Alexander Keith '22


What is one of your best W&J memories?

My best W&我的记忆是早晨和足球队一起乘电梯,然后在下议院吃早餐.

What is one of your best W&J memories?

My best W&我的记忆是早晨和足球队一起乘电梯,然后在下议院吃早餐.

What was a favorite class project you completed while at W&J?

我最喜欢的课堂作业是在动物生理学上和Dr. Weixel. 澳门葡京博彩软件对青蛙坐骨神经的动作电位进行了实验,并制作了完整的手稿.


我会告诉即将入学的学生要扩大范围,尽可能多地结识新朋友. Your high school friends will always be there, but if you do college right, your college friends will be your best friends for life.

In what ways have you changed at W&J? How have you transformed personally?

Since I have been at W&J, I have matured in so many ways. In particular, 我培养的学习技巧与我在高中时所依赖的有天壤之别, 是什么帮助我在课堂内外都取得了成功.